The Picture Quick Info window
The Quick Info window displays an Info button and a line of information text:
- Clicking the Info button will open the Picture Information window where
comment, keywords and various other picture related information can be viewed
and edited.
- The text displays the following information:
<picture number> of <number of visible pictures> - <picture size> - <number of selected pictures> selected
- The content of the string can be customized for each album: open the Album Information window, go to the tab named
Color and Appearance and click the for the picture info button.
The Build display string window will open, there you can select the information you want to be displayed.
(The default Display String is %P# of %V# - %PS - %AS selected
- The Quick Info window can be "torn-off" from the toolbar, that is, detached by dragging it out with the mouse.
In its floating state, the Quick Info window can be resized so more than one line of text can be displayed.